Today we woke up to our first REAL snow! Boy were the boys EXCITED! They couldn't wait to get out in it! First though we went to the library for story time. Then came back for a warm lunch of Grilled Cheese & Tomato soup! Then we headed out! Do you know how hard it is to get three no four little boys (we had a neighbor buddy over for the fun) dressed in snow gear. VERY HARD! After having to change both Koen and Gavin twice cause they weren't happy with what they had on the first time. I was ready to stay in and just cozy up and watch a movie. But we I tredged on and we had a BLAST!

This kid is such a clown! He keeps us laughing all the time! It's crazy to think the things he would pick up from preschool if he would have went!

This is where Koen spend most of the time!

This Kaitin making a snowball too....

DO THIS! Gavin was not to thrilled about it! Might help though if he had more than just jeans, shirt and hoodie on. He refuses to wear a coat and hat!

He thought it was FUNNY!

Gavin got he's revenge though!

By the way this weather has just been so NUTS! On Sunday it was a record high of 89' and today it hasn't got past 32' and were upto 4 inches of snow and still snowing!