It's actually snowed on the 19th which was my Birthday so it was a nice present cause I really do LOVE the snow! I remember lots of Birthday's from when I was little and it snowing. We went out sledding on saturday! Tons of fun! Can you find Koen? He was covered!
Grant and I got to go out for St Patty's Day, Thanks to our new found GREAT babysitter Breanna! The boys loved her and Grant and I had some good free time fun!
Over the weekend we just had a nice lazy relaxing weekend! One of the boys favorite things to do is get donuts on saturday morning! There was lots of Wii playing! Rocking my pink remote! There were LOTS of hugs too!
Friday March 12th was a BIG day for Kaitin. We went and got him enrolled in kindergarten! He will start school on Aug 4th. He's very excited about this. He also had his first soccer practice that afternoon. It's really unbelievable my baby is five enrolled in kindergarten and playing soccer.
Sorry to everyone that has been wondering what we've been up to! I got a new desk and we didn't have a long enough printer cable so I couldn't download pictures. But I'm finally back online and I'll catch ya'll up to date.
After the long two days in the hospital with Koen we came home to one of the boys fish floating in the tank. Not sure what happened but I think Vinnie the betta attacked him for some reason. I had feed them that morning after them not eating for two days cause of everything that was going on and I'm guessing they were fighting over the food. But it was pretty sad for Koen. Koen got a betta fish for his birthday and then Kaitin and Gavin got a gold fish each for Valentines Day but I guess Koen and Gavin had traded fish. So it was Koen's goldfish that lost his life. He was not to happy about it but thought it was pretty funny that the fish got flushed down the toilet. Here's a funny video of night of Goldie's death.
My little stud muffin! Gavin has the most cutest hair! Was born with a head full and I have always loved it! Here's he's sporting a mohawk! Here's Koen just being his adorable little self!