The guys frying the Turkey! I have to say I think I'm just not a big fan of Turkey it did seem alittle more moist than just baking it but still not the GREATest meat I've eaten!
Molly painting Adri's toes!
So I have to put this so I remember this, last year when I made pies everyone was kinda like pies "why pies, not really being fans of pies" This year the pies were pretty much gone with in the first 30 mins and everyone started eating pies not long after eating their meals.
Our littlest Turkey this year, Miss Kenzie!

The kids table!

Last year we went to the Husker/CU game and wanted to go again this year! We planning on make it a yearly thing to at least go to one game a year. Next year should be pretty fun as we plan on taking the boys!

Making Turkey cookies!

Miss Kenzie is finally upto 4 lbs! I thought this picture really showed her size!

It was a GREAT family weekend! As you can tell the boys were all worn out!