Monday, March 30, 2009

Potty Training 123!

So Gavin official started potty training today. I'm hoping it truly is as easy as 123. Both Kaitin is Koen were both pretty much that way. Kaitin was 21months and morning and night trained in 4 days. Koen was 22months and day and night trained in a week. Once Kaitin was trained he never had a accident again, Koen did have a few poop accidents for a couple months but still was pretty darn easy. So poor Gavin has a lot to live up too. I think he's totally ready though! He'll be 20months tomorrow but is having all the signs of being ready. And he's so excited about it. I think he'll probably be more Kaitin. (my fingers are crossed!) LOL! The booked I live by is called Potty Training 123. By Gary and Marie Ezzo they are some GREAT authors! I've also gone off all their parenting books and had GREAT results! Here's a few pictures of my sweet LIL BOY!

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