Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Rough Day!

Were kinda having a rough day today. (Gavin and I) LOL! Were on day three of potty training and mommy's bum is getting sore and tired of sitting in the bathroom. I also didn't get but maybe four hours of sleep lastnight. But I was just really questioning myself if he's really ready. Today he hasn't really had any interest in sitting on the potty. He still LOVES the treats though, of course! So after he wet and pooped in his pants I broke down and was like okay give me a diaper. So i put it on him and within 15 mins I was taking it off, telling myself what am I thinking we can do this. So just when I think he doesn't know what he's doing. I was cleaning the bathroom and he comes in and stands beside me and wets himself. So I'm thinking he really does know where and what! So I got him lunch and then put him down for his nap. I'm praying I'll will have the energy and will to really step back up to the plate by the time his up from his nap. I know I just need to stay strong! WE CAN DO THIS! Pic: Gavin eating his chocolate treat for staying dry threw his nap then going pee pee in the potty!

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