With snow on the ground and gloomy skies the boys are taking it easy today. Enjoying some toons and chillin in their chairs. This one cracks me up, their such silly little boys and normally are more than willing to have their picture taken!
Today is Grant's 26th birthday! The boys and I are so lucky to have you in our lives! You are a wonderful daddy it makes me so happy to see how much they look upto you. You are an a AMAZING man and husband. I love you honey! Looking forward to celebrating with you!
I think sleeping kids are just so adorable! I love how cute my boys look when their sleeping! Koen and Gavin still take at least a 2 hour nap if not 3 to 4 hour nap sometimes. But Kaitin has decide he no longer needs a nap. I pushed it as long as possible. He went from a nap everyday to every other day to none in about a month. I miss my mommy free time but Kaitin's has learn how to be pretty helpful with picking up the house. He also fits in more school and it gives us alittle Kaitin-mommy time everyday.
Koen had his last surgery today to remove his port. It went well! It was much easier waiting for a 45 min surgery over a 6 hours surgery. He wasn't too happy about what were going to be doing today but handle it pretty well and is in a pretty good mood "till the meds wear off". Koen shouldn't have to go back in for anything for awhile other than a hearing test next month. Looking forward a BIG break! Just gotta keep the kid off the bunk bed ladder. He fell of it on Monday night and fracture his tibia. So now he has to wear a full leg cast on his left leg for at least 3 week if not 4.
Not looking forward to the day ahead! Digging the smell, Watermelon yum! Feeling the IV! Our goofy hats we had to wear! Playing with the wheel chair while waiting was a hit! He was starving! The night before surgery! Of course it had to be green!
The boys have been asking to go camping. I don't think they understand they would freeze to death if we went. So following the hiking on Sunday at the Garden of Gods we decided to have a camp out in the basement. The boys LOVED it! We had hotdogs, s'mores, sleeping bags and even a tent the whole nine yards. Daddy's and my back didn't care for it to much (as grants says you could feel the concrete with in the first 5 mins) But it was alot of a fun and made for a GREAT memory. We followed are camping with a nice hike upto The Rock here in town. Having this small hike Grant and I realize we'll have no problem getting into shape this summer with all the hiking were going to enjoy doing together. We can't wait to go on real camping and hiking trip! Looking forward to spring and summer time. The hike we went on upto the Rock, This Rock is what gives Castle Rock it's name! Love their faces in this one! Our view of Pikes Peak Funny story, All the way up the hike Grant was like "GREAT hike and view along with the dog crap smell" When he told me this I was kinda yeah yeah, cause I didn't really think it smelled all the way. Just when you would walk past some ( I swear if I ever see anybody ever let their dog crap with out picking it up they will get a mouth full from me) but anyways. Later that night when I went to put Koen's shoes on I realized he had step in crap at some point. So no wonder Grant was smelling it the whole time. LOL! Notice where Koen's feet are in the last picture. My poor hubby! :(
Saturday and Sunday my sister and her fiance Lucius came into town. We wanted to take them to this place called Devil's head but it's closed till spring so we choose to go to Garden of the Gods neither of them have been there before. It was a GREAT day with lots of laughs. We are really enjoying this spring like weather right now! We had a picnic lunch And there was lots of climbing too! We had to make sure and have somebody leave our marking. LOL!