One of Koen's biggest fans!

Two of Koen's littlest fans, Left: cousin Kaylia, Right: Uncle Brycen

I had some other pictures I would have LOVED to included but my computer lost them, I'm so sad about it too. Cause there were some really cute ones. But oh well, at least I have these ones!
When they take a closer look at the tumor they cut it like bread, so this is a pic of one of the slices. "Ok, I'm going to try and explain this as best as possible" The bottom half of this picture is the good part of his liver (the part that looks like raw chicken) There is also either liver or scare tissue around the whole tumor. The black parts are where the tumor bleed out. The little white spot (which is smaller in this picture than the next but it is what used to be tumor but with chemo turned to good cells, tissue or sometimes bone. (depending on how it responses) The yellow spots are dead parts of the tumor and the red tissue looking spots are live tumor. So as you can tell the chemo medicine really work well and killed most of it. They were able to get all the tumor. So, pretty much we can say Koen is cancer FREE. He will go throw two more rounds of chemo just to make sure they got all the cancer cells and to insure this evil stuff is NEVER coming back.

This is the full piece of what they removed, They said it was the size of a tennis ball. They took the whole right lobe of his liver. They also had to remove his gallbladder.

WOW! Thanks for posting these. I am so thankful that that nasty thing is out of Koen's precious little body. I hope he is recovering well and getting back to his spunky little self!
Amazing! Thank you God! I pray with this removal and good health of Koen returning that a weight is also lifted off of you and your family. Be Blessed!
I am so happy that the battle is won!!! Yeah...Just a few more rounds. The biggest hurdle is over!!! I am so happy that everything is working out and that Koen is doing so well!
Wow, that *is* gross! I was actually very curious to see what a tumor looks like. My daughter had tumor removed as well (neuroblastoma) but we didn't get any pictures of it. It's (sort of) nice to have a visual. I'm so thankful that horrible tumor is out of Koen's body! Sounds like yours will be a success story :)
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