I was just looking through some pictures that Grant upload onto our computer from his phone and this just makes me melt and cry! My little Koen has been threw so much but most of time is still smiling. He's just so darn tuff! I'm so darn proud of him! HE doesn't like you to tell him that he's tough or done really good with something, he yells at you and tells you NO. I'm not sure why! But I know the journey is getting tougher on him! I know were almost down but the end still seems so far away. I'm so grateful though that we are still going to be able to follow through with the start date of round 5 of chemo which means his last chemo treatment should be the 23th or at least within that week sometime. Please say a pray we have no set backs as we are really really looking forward to being cancer free and done with chemo treatments. We are really looking forward to bringing in a NEW Year with a much better journey ahead of us.

A few pictures from the bigining of his FIGHT!

They weren't thrilled we were having to cut his gorgueos hair off!

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