Friday, November 13, 2009


I thought I would post about alittle blessing we received last night! We went out to eat at pizza hut last night (Koen loves their breadsticks and what Koen wants Koen gets, considering he doesn't eat much we'll go for anything) So when we first sat down I saw that there was a older lady eating in the booth behind us. Well when the waitress help us. She looked at Koen and was like "don't worry honey it will get better and I've look like you twice". She's had breast cancer twice now and has to go back for another round of chemo treatment in January. So then when we went to pay the waitress told us that the lady in the booth behind us said we had enough to worry about and paid for our dinner. She said the lady was in tears. Some how I missed the lady even getting up to leave! But it's just little blessing like that, that keep us going. And knowing that we will be okay and everything will work out. From Koen's health to medical bills, EVERYTHING!

This isn't really a blessing! But I thought I would ask for prayer! Koen is really needing some strength to finish this fight! He's now come down with the sickness his brothers had and he's just so tired of fighting this nasty battle! It's not easy for a 3 year to be sick all the time. Yesterday when he woke up from his nap and was just feeling like crap and running a fever. He looked at me and said "mommy I'm just tired of fighting this, I don't want to fight anymore" It just broke my heart! I still have yet to see where all this battle leads us. So please just say a prayer my Koen today!

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